Play with Molecular Dynamics simulations in your browser

开始 单步模拟 重启模拟
减速10% −1% +1% 加速10%
冻结位置 运动反向
原子数目 = 500
箱体尺寸 = 50 (volume = 2500)
重力系数 = 0.000
时间步长 = 0.020
单帧步数 = 25
Canvas not supported; please update your browser.
重置统计 数据采集
t = 0.000, E = -712.17, T = 0.0000, P = 0.0000

This web app simulates the dynamics of simple atoms and molecules in a two-dimensional universe. The force between the atoms is weakly attractive at short distances, but strongly repulsive when they touch. Use the simulation to explore phases of matter, emergent behavior, irreversibility, and thermal effects at the nanoscale.

The physics:

The user interface:

Additional features:

Gathering data: